How to Cleanse Your Heart Chakra

Located at the center of your chest, the heart chakra is a delicate yet vital part of both the body and soul. This chakra may appear to be a bit high-maintenance, but for good reason. It’s a magnet for all things emotional—the good and the bad—so when it comes time to rest and reset, your heart chakra should definitely be on your to-do list.

The seven chakras work together to elevate our spirits and fulfill us in this life. There’s an undercurrent of intuitive energy pulsing through us, and it follows the line of chakra points from top to bottom. And because your heart chakra is the home of your deepest feelings, it will definitely need some cleansing every once in a while! 

Fortunately, there are various holistic exercises that can help you restore an ideal balance. Let’s talk about how to cleanse your heart chakra, as well as the benefits of doing so.

Why We Cleanse Our Chakras

Chakras are like mini portals into realms of knowledge and strength that we gain progressive access to through aging and spiritual practice. They “open” (like a blooming flower) one by one, beginning with the root chakra at the base of the spine in childhood and ending with the crown chakra at the top of the head as we achieve the highest level of spiritual awakening.

With the development of each chakra, we gain that much more confidence in who we are, what we’re doing, and where we’re going. However, they can become unbalanced if the various aspects of our lives they govern become a source of stress, negativity, or trauma.

Cleansing is the process of restoring balance through lifestyle changes, meditation, reflection, yoga, and various other healthy self-care activities. And while all your chakras are important, an unbalanced heart chakra can produce some of the most painful and costly effects in your life. 

The Significance of the Heart Chakra

There are so many reasons to regularly cleanse your heart chakra. If you’ve felt emotionally stuck or stunted lately, it may be that your heart chakra needs a tune-up. It’s also the site of deep wounds, past traumas, and our innermost anxiety—but it’s not all doom and gloom, of course!

Your heart chakra is also where all of the love you have given and received resides, along with the beautiful stories of our interpersonal relationships. The compassion and empathy you have for yourself and your loved ones can be found here. It’s responsible for cultivating our self-worth as well as spiritual growth, so when you notice a lull in the love you have for yourself, it might be time to cleanse your heart chakra. 

Of course, that spiritual growth is only possible through some dedicated work. Cleansing your chakras requires time, effort, and a commitment to the practices of your choosing. But the upsides of a healthy heart chakra are boundless! Healing old wounds, overcoming pain and sadness, releasing negative energy, connecting with a partner, moving forward peacefully, and taking a more open-hearted approach to life are just a few of the joys you might rediscover. 

Methods for Cleansing the Heart Chakra

If you’re ready to make a change and wondering how to cleanse your heart chakra, there are several options to choose from. You can try one or all of these methods to find out what resonates the most with your particular situation. After all, everyone’s energy is unique, so what’s best for someone else might not be ideal for you. 

Meditation and Breathwork

If you have a preferred meditation style, this is a great place to start. Heart-focused meditation is a classic way to cleanse your chakra, and you’ll get to enjoy all the other benefits it brings along the way. 

Breathwork is another tried-and-true method for restoring balance in your life, and it might be just what your heart chakra craves. Try 4-7-8 breathing to start out, where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. 

Therapeutic Sounds

Did you know that there are specific frequencies we can tune into that have a proven positive effect on our chakras? The heart chakra likes 432 Hz and 639 Hz frequencies, so playing music or white noise at these frequencies promotes physical (and metaphysical) harmony. Humming these pitches may help you focus better while meditating, too. You can also chant the syllable yam during meditation since this is the heart chakra’s seed mantra.

Verbal Affirmations

Talking to yourself isn’t as silly as it seems! You can actually cleanse your heart chakra by repeating daily affirmations aloud that reprogram your mind and unburden your heart. I recommend keeping it simple, and here are some good starting points to consider.

  • My heart is full. 

  • I am worthy of love and kindness. 

  • I forgive myself. 

  • My life is made of love. 

  • I let go of the hurt. 

  • I give and receive love freely. 

  • I deserve good things. 

These are just a few examples of the affirmations you can tell yourself every day, and you can always come up with a mantra that speaks directly to your own experience. 

Intentional Movement

Yoga, walking, stretching—any kind of slow, steady, intentional movement (not necessarily strenuous exercise) gives our bodies the chance to dust off the cobwebs, unfurl tension areas, and open the heart chakra for cleansing. Certain yoga poses are highly impactful, such as the cobra pose, bridge pose, and upward-facing dog, all of which position your chest forward. Not only will you feel better on the inside, but the outside as well!

Embracing Your Surroundings

Finally, your environment works wonders on a clouded heart chakra. Getting out into natural settings to unplug, relax, and enjoy the fresh air really does the heart good.  Even the people around you provide a unique opportunity to cleanse this chakra! Random acts of kindness, quality time with loved ones, and helping someone in need all benefit your heart chakra.

A Happy Heart Awaits You

Just like how we all harbor intuitive abilities, we can experience the entire range of spiritual wisdom that each chakra has to offer. As far as how to cleanse your heart chakra, you can start with any of these methods or even try something on your own. Your intuition can guide you through these everyday exercises, so lean in and allow yourself to be open to its messages.

And if you feel like you’re not sure where to go, you’re not alone! My bank of free resources teaches you about soul-led living, and as you might have guessed, the heart chakra is at the forefront of that important work. I’m always here to help you tap into the innumerable blessings of this liminal space, and I encourage you to continue learning, exploring, and taking care of yourself.


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