Intuition vs. Anxiety: How to Tell the Difference
A lot of us have experienced both intuition and anxiety firsthand, but if you’re only really familiar with one of them, it might seem tricky to tell which one you’re experiencing. When worlds collide and these feelings overlap, they look deceptively similar.
It’s understandable that we sometimes mistake intuition for natural instincts or even simple observation, and the same can be said about anxiety. But know this: while the former two mixups are closely related, there are definite differences when it comes to intuition vs. anxiety. In fact, they’re completely separate sensations with their own unique causes and implications.
Most importantly, spotting those differences empowers you to both embrace your intuition and banish your anxiety. Let’s talk about how to distinguish between them!
Am I Worried About the Future or Connecting With It?
First, what is intuition and what is anxiety? Intuition is simultaneously gifted and learned.
It’s an inherited knowledge within each of us that can be further developed. Think of it as a spiritual compass that navigates rough seas so we can steer the ship safely and comfortably.
On the other hand, anxiety essentially is those rough seas. It stems from uncontrollable thoughts that manifest as physical symptoms. A racing heart, chest tightness, stomach pain, cold sweats, and pure panic are all associated with anxiety. What else do these symptoms mimic? A heart attack. Anxiety literally feels like you’re on the precipice of a fatal health problem.
Intuition is the polar opposite of anxiety in terms of how it makes you feel. It imbues calmness and clarity to any given situation as a recognizable gut feeling (not an ache as with anxiety but more of a gentle pull or nudge) that points you in the right direction. Our intuitive side helps us avoid danger or trouble, keeping us on a path that’s suited for our success.
In essence, intuition is a whisper and anxiety is a fire alarm. Take comfort in the fact that your intuition will never lead to the restlessness and dysregulation that are so characteristic of anxiety even though it’s trying to influence the future for us! Instead, it’s like a soft tap on the shoulder that gives us a hint of what lies ahead.
Differentiating Between Intuition and Anxiety
So how do we compartmentalize these emotional reactions to the world around us? After all, they do have that in common: both intuition and anxiety are dependent upon our lived experiences, but only one of them can genuinely support us. Only one of them is in our best interest, and only one of them flows from a place of positive energy.
Certain people are also more prone to waves of powerful feelings throughout their lives, and that complicates the distinction. The loud nagging of anxiety can sound an awful lot like the strong insistence of intuition to an intuitive empath, for instance. It all comes down to the symptoms of each state of being.
But if you’re still uncertain of what’s going on, don’t fret! A surefire way of differentiating between intuition and anxiety involves looking back, reflecting inward, and visualizing ahead.
Past Encounters
How does this current sensation compare to previous intuition and/or anxiety? Consider how you felt the last time you noticed your intuition and/or anxiety in action. What does that context bring to the table now?
Think about these prior interactions with intuitive or anxious symptoms: if you can decide for yourself which one is affecting you now, your wondering can end!
Present Situation
Furthermore, what are you feeling at this exact moment, when the lines between intuition and anxiety start to blur? Do a personal inventory: Is it a deep-seated knowing or a frantic bout of thinking? Are you focusing on guidance beyond your comprehension or the overwhelming possibilities and unknowns that await you? Does this appear to be a direct response to life’s nuances or a fixation on potential worst-case scenarios?
The first parts of these questions indicate intuition, and the second parts amount to anxiety. Your intuition would never harm your heart in the way that anxiety manipulates your mind.
Future Repercussions
The coming days will also reveal whether this episode was intuitive or anxious in nature. What I mean by this is that these feelings—whether they’re confidence, anticipation, or curiosity—will yield results of some kind (or a lack thereof, which is also telling). You’ll be able to figure out which is at work, intuition vs. anxiety.
Hindsight is 20/20, of course, but intuition has a way of warning us about what’s to come, while anxiety plagues us with the what-ifs; your intuition’s track record has to be much better than that of your anxiety! Trust in this balance and your capabilities, even if you’re struggling with mental health disorders like anxiety. The future reveals itself within us.
Leading with Your Heart, Above All Else
If anxiety is rooted in overthinking and analysis, then intuition can be found in the heart. Your intuition stands firm in its resolve to benefit you, not bully you.
Our brains play strange tricks on us during times of stress, but our intuition is rarely a source of unease, if ever. You can be sure that anxiety is the culprit when there’s a negative impact on your daily life. In the battle of intuition vs. anxiety, our soul’s compass always wins out.
Intuition is our greatest ally, a universal wisdom granted to every one of us that’s intentionally cultivated through years of practice. With your heart at the forefront, you can hone your intuitive skills to pursue a soul-led existence that reflects the goodness and joy you deserve. I encourage you to explore the field of intuitive studies as a means of connecting with yourself and something greater simultaneously.
In addition to your own intuition, I’m here as a guide on your journey too! My door is always open, and my collection of free resources is at your disposal. Wishing you peace and love.