Join my Subscription on Substack!

Hi there, friend!

I’m Nikki Novo, a master intuitive, bestselling author, Latina, and mother of three. 

I created this Substack publication to serve as a companion workbook to my podcast, Soul-Led Living with Nikki Novo. Here, I offer guided meditations, journal prompts, and a monthly group reading. 

If you haven’t heard my podcast yet, it’s such a fun listen, yet it has a truly transformative tone to it. 

Each episode, I shared downloaded messages that come through for us that help us live our truth. Most listeners say it feels like a reading just for them, speaking directly to their soul. 

And that’s because the show and this work is for those of us who dream of a bigger life. One that is more authentic, expansive and true to our natural rhythms. 

We know it’s out there; we just have to follow our hearts and souls. 

Although we know we are meant to live our dream life, not every day is easy. This space is all about keeping you high-vibe and on track to live the way your soul intended to live.

Each episode is meant to help you tap into your own intuition and get messages from your higher self so you can live into your destiny. 

This is my intention behind this work and the messages I receive.

What you get with a subscription?

  • Two guided healing meditations a week.

  • Two sets of journal prompts each week, so you can reflect on what your intuition is trying to tell you.

  • Access to live (on Zoom) group readings, where you have a chance to receive an intuitive message from me for your specific question.

Why Subscribe?

Stay in High Vibration: It's easy to get pulled down by daily stresses, negative thought patterns and lose sight of your higher goals. Nikki Novo's guided sessions ensure you maintain a high vibrational state, essential for attracting and manifesting your desires.

Personalized Spiritual Guidance: With monthly group readings, experience the powerful connection of community and the joy of shared growth. Whether your question is chosen or you're benefiting from the collective wisdom, these readings are a profound experience.

Deepen Your Intuitive Practice: The combination of healings, journaling, and community readings fosters a powerful environment for strengthening your intuition.  This is the ultimate goal! To be able to call on your inner guidance when needed. 

Also, Thank You

Thank you to those of you who have been listening to the podcast and supporting this work.

 So many of you have asked me for a subscription, simply because you wanted to say thank you. I appreciate you deeply. 

It does take a lot of energy to produce the two episodes a week, so I really appreciate the support of your subscription.

And thank you for inspiring me to create this space. 

I can’t wait to see us all live soul-led together. We will not only change our lives for the better, but the lives of those around us. 

Thank you for the work you are doing. 

Much love always, 
