7 Spiritual Signs You’re Meant to Be with Someone

Whether or not you believe in soulmates or twin flames, there are usually clear-cut spiritual signs you’re meant to be with a person. We don’t always catch on to these signs, and if we do, we tend to rationalize our innate intuition or brush the idea aside—after all, is the universe really trying to bring you two together? The short answer is “Yes!”

Love is a powerful experience, and just as your intuition guides you through life’s hardships, it’ll also be with you for the joy and peace that accompany a blossoming romance. However, if you don’t know what to look for, it’s easy to miss the moments when the universe is putting its finger on the scale. Here are seven simple signs to watch for when you’re meant to be with that special someone. 

The Kismet Checklist

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to identifying “green flags” from the universe! This list is not exhaustive—you may spot a trait, quirk, or event that differs from these seven main signals, and that’s okay. Whatever feels right is important, so don’t ignore those gut feelings, good or bad. But if you start to notice these familiar signs, there’s probably a magnetic force at work that’s bigger than both of you.

1. Your Paths Keep Crossing

One of the biggest spiritual signs you’re meant to be with someone is that, well, you keep ending up together! A lot of people disregard situations that simply appear coincidental, though there’s likely a reason you keep meeting like this. Your everyday intuitive skills are tingling.

This is particularly noteworthy if your repeated encounters are far-fetched or unlikely, such as being in a distant place at the same time or linking up online among a sea of people. So, if you both show up at the same coffee shop regularly, you might just share similar routines or interests. But if you’re nearly knocking each other over at random social events and showing up at favorite restaurants that are off the radar, something’s going on. 

2. There’s an Instant Connection

Soul-level recognition of someone else is rare, but soulmates are also one-of-a-kind. If you meet someone and five hours later you’re still talking and talking, there’s a good chance it’s because you’ve got an other-worldly connection that’s just starting to spark. 

That soul-level insight will radiate through a new relationship. This is your inner voice urging you to hear the wisdom of your soul—all of the past lives, spirit guides, and universal power within you. Finishing their sentences and reading their mind isn’t just for the movies! It’s your intuition at work.

3. There’s Also Mutual Empathic Wiring

Has your intuition grown stronger since meeting them? Do you feel more awakened spiritually than ever before? When you’re meant to be with someone, they enhance you as a person. Since your soul has found a familiar face, you’ll get close quickly and occupy an uncanny wavelength with your partner that transcends logical explanation.

This experience manifests itself in many interesting ways. If you’re able to anticipate one another’s needs almost instinctively or communicate without having to use words, you’re both on the same psychic spectrum, staying in tune even when apart. You’ll also realize that a lot of experiences are easy because you share a similar empathetic wavelength. 

4. Your Energy Matches Each Other

And speaking of wavelengths, have you ever felt like you just resonate with someone? When two people who are meant to be together are in the same room, their energy will sync up. Sound like you’re not in control? You aren’t! 

Your intuition has let you know a million times that there are people you just won’t get along with even if you barely know them. On the other side of the spectrum, when you meet the right person, your energies start to glow. Not only will you be drawn toward the light, but once you spend some time around it, you’ll realize how much that doesn’t happen around anyone else!

5. You’re Noticing Synchronicities

There will be recurring themes throughout your time together: various symbols, repetitive numbers, specific animals, matching dreams, and so on. You may constantly see an ordinary object over and over or sequences of familiar numbers and feel fate’s gentle grip on your life. 

Intuitive personalities pick up on such patterns with ease, but when you meet your perfect person the universe is going to make it very obvious no matter how tuned in you are. If every penny is heads-up, life starts coming at you in threes, and butterflies wait a little longer on the flowers to make sure you both notice, the threads of the universe are weaving you a tapestry. 

6. You Finally Feel Comfortable

Of course, there’s a feeling of comfort that stands out to you with this person in addition to the little details that catch your eye. If past relationships were defined by strife and mistrust, you likely have a bad taste in your mouth and might even love hesitantly because of it. But if this time feels different… then it truly is.

It’s tough to believe in our ability to intuit true love when we’ve been wronged by others before. I know you’re afraid things will fall apart, but life has a way of giving you what you need so you’re ready when the perfect person comes around. Sometimes the universe’s love is tough, but everything—from your past lives to your spirit guides—is working together to prepare you for the symphony of that one-in-a-million encounter. 

7. You’ve Overcome Obstacles Together

Lastly, even the best relationship is going to face some tests, and these complications can feel downright cruel when you’ve just met someone so incredible. You may face long distances, awkward schedules, a potential move, or even a divorce that’s dragging on and on. 

When you’ve encountered the right person, your intuition is going to lead you toward each other no matter what obstacles show up. Your analytical brain may be thinking “This is complicated and I don’t know if it’s practical,” but your intuition will be shouting “Yes, always!” 

Listen to Your Heart…

… and your intuition! It’s your soul’s direct line to a universal wisdom beyond our comprehension. No matter which of these spiritual signs you’re meant to be with someone starts showing up on your radar, you can count on your intuition to deliver warm, passionate, and confident signals.

A life of meant-to-be love means genuine peace and fulfillment of the soul, so I encourage you to seek that contentment with an open heart and heed the universe’s messaging as you do. And if you’re looking for further spiritual guidance, my door is always open. You can access my library of free resources to support your intuitive goals, or take a course with me to unlock your full potential. Abundance awaits!


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