Where Does Intuition Come From?

Our intuition is both a gift and a talent—a birthright to be embraced and a skill to be sharpened. Its mysteries are just as gripping as its facts, and if we listen, it can put us on our one true path to happiness and success. But where does intuition come from? 

Well, the answer isn’t as straightforward as we’d all prefer. Asking after the origin story of intuition is like wondering who god is! But we do have an idea as to how our intuition comes to us. It’s an ancient connection between humans and the ephemeral that still informs us today, and there’s even been significant progress in researching this phenomenon.

Intuition is a prevalent topic in science as well as mystic studies, and it will continue to play a pivotal role in the human experience. The psychology of intuition is fascinating, but lessons in mysticism will tell you that these hunches extend far beyond the realm of the human brain. In reality, intuition flows through us constantly.

Mapping Out Intuition

Intuition stems from seeds planted way before we were born. It’s a universal knowledge we cannot ever truly understand, and it’s distilled into each of us the moment we arrive earthside. That single crumb of extraordinary wisdom blossoms until it becomes a fully grown tree—one we eagerly turn to for support during hardships or glimpse over our shoulder during indecision.

Intuitive personalities know just how deep these roots go (we’re talking soul-level deep!), and to grow our intuition, we must water those roots with dedicated practice and positive intentions. Otherwise, it’ll just stay a shrub.

As you explore, you’ll begin to realize that intuition takes many different forms, and that’s because the energy originates from different sources within you depending on the need. The beginnings of intuition can be illustrated by looking at four of the seven chakras, which are energy centers in the body responsible for maintaining good health and balance in our lives. Think of them as conduits for the intuitive messaging we receive from our guides.

Heart Chakra

As you may have guessed, the heart chakra can be found in the center of our chest. It represents the love and compassion we bring with us from prior lives and put out into the world. It’s also an appropriate symbol and starting point as we ponder, where does intuition come from? 

Intuition is closely tied to the heart. This is why intuitives have an advantage in empathy: we’re very in tune with our innermost feelings and can sense that energy in others. We know what they’re dealing with because we’ve felt those exact emotions at a very loud volume too, whether it’s from intuiting something or experiencing it firsthand.

It’s easy to see why our intuition would nest in our hearts like this, since the heart is the center of everything. The heart chakra is the middle of the seven and it bridges the gap between the lower and upper chakras. This energy is pivotal to the conditions needed for strong psychic abilities: intuition necessitates alignment, so it’s dependent on the heart chakra.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the very top of our head, and it actually affects all seven chakra points in the body. Opening your crown chakra is considered a rare feat, as few people reach the immense spirituality wrapped up in this stage of enlightenment. 

Our brains seek patterns to make sense of our environment, and intuition is partially born from this evolutionary drive to organize the world. That tingling you notice at the nape of your neck in an uncertain situation is your intuition reaching you through an energy point so powerful that it directly links us to a higher consciousness.

Because intuition is a mental exercise as well as an emotional one, meditation training is a renewing activity that grounds us after so much time spent with our minds elsewhere. It reminds us to care for ourselves around the rewarding yet intense effort of intuition development since it can easily become overwhelming. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

When you get an uncomfortable pit in your stomach, it’s likely the combination of your innate intuition and your solar plexus chakra warning you about something. Also called the sacral chakra, this is where our “gut feelings” originate in addition to our self-worth.

Second-guessing your sacral chakra creates a weakness in this space, potentially upsetting the balance you rely on to access intuitive revelations. Your inner voice can only come through if you trust yourself enough to really hear it. Give yourself the grace to listen inward and reflect outward in order to tap into the other senses of your intuition.

Root Chakra

At the base of your spine near the tailbone is the root chakra, which governs our confidence and stability in life. This is another expression site of our intuition in action (i.e., getting goosebumps up your back if danger lurks behind you). 

It’s important to remember that intuition isn’t infallible. Though it comes from a divine source, intuition is still a human endeavor, so it’s far from perfect! We’re going to make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean your intuition is entirely unreliable. These premonitions always serve our best interests: it’s an instinct that eclipses conventional explanation, but trust me, it’s on your side.

The Third Eye and Beyond

Where does intuition come from? Everywhere (of course!), but mostly from within the most psychically bound parts of ourselves. YOU are the manifestation of an otherworldly knowledge, which comes from the very stardust that our bodies do—we’re connected to this unnameable sentience for a reason.

If you’d like to learn more about intuition, I encourage you to continue exploring and opening yourself up to the opportunity to better yourself through intuitive studies. It can be a difficult journey to navigate on your own, and a trusted mentor or guru is always a beneficial place to start. 

I also offer lots of free resources to steer you in the right direction: toward peace, community, and eye-opening insights. Let’s now ask where intuition goes rather than where it comes from: it takes you into the future you were meant to inhabit, so it’s time to embrace your soul-level wisdom and reap the rewards! 


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