What Are the Seven Chakra Frequencies?

Picture a constantly spinning circle of positive energy flowing through you, like an ancient water wheel that periodically renews your soul. This is essentially what a chakra is and does! The Sanskrit word chakra means “wheel,” and these powerful little centers within us have a major influence on our spiritual connectedness. 

Each chakra sits along the spinal cord, positioned from the tailbone up to the brain itself. Every seven years, your next chakra in this line begins to blossom, or “open.” That’s where you become more aware of who you truly are, as age and wisdom continue to turn the soil so that you can fully bloom.

But did you know that there are certain frequencies (or sounds) associated with your chakras? Specific vibrations can actually balance them out and promote healing and positive energy flow. So, what are the seven chakra frequencies? Let’s find out—once we peek into their origins!

Reader, Meet Your Chakras

Before we dive in and discuss the frequencies that align with the seven chakras, I’d like to formally introduce you to them one by one. That way, you can focus on the exact chakra(s) you want to cleanse as a means of healing your soul.

Root Chakra

Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is the first and lowest spiritual point. It’s closely tied to how stable and secure we are in our physical bodies, and it typically develops by the time we’re about seven years old. At this stage, we’ve learned how to walk, talk, and move freely and confidently throughout childhood. We’re independent, yet rooted.

The root chakra is represented by the color red or similarly colored stones and crystals, as its element is earth—this chakra grounds us from an early age, giving us a solid foundation upon which we may grow. An open root chakra looks like a person who stands firm in their understanding of themselves and their potential, while early trauma could stifle the root chakra to create an unsteady sense of self.

Sacral Chakra

Your sacral chakra can be found a few inches below your belly button. As you might have guessed, this chakra symbolizes sexuality, fertility, personal pleasure, and emotional well-being. The development of the sacral chakra coincides with puberty when we’re between 8 and 14 years old. It’s linked to the element water, as well as orange hues and stones like tiger’s eye.

Intuitive empaths have a very strong sacral chakra; these individuals likely experienced (and overcame) challenges during their preteen years that shaped them into selfless caregivers. But this chakra is all about tending to yourself before you do the same for others. We cannot pour from an empty cup! Your sacral chakra serves as a reminder to prioritize your needs.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The upper abdomen houses the solar plexus chakra, a gateway to our self-worth and willpower. It develops from the late teens to age 21 when we see ourselves more clearly than in the angst-riddled years prior. Granted, the growth is nowhere near done at this point! But your solar plexus chakra acts as a kind of barometer for your confidence levels with the chance to build up your self-esteem as your teens come to an end. 

This chakra plays a vital role in intuition: it’s responsible for that “gut feeling” we often get, those butterflies in the stomach that signal something exciting, or sudden pangs that foreshadow sinister energy. It’s a pivotal intersection of our psychic capabilities and a deeply seated belief in ourselves—hence the fire element of this chakra. Don’t let self-doubt and fear keep you from reaching that insight.

Heart Chakra

From age 21 to 28, we witness the development of the heart chakra, which is right where you’d think it is! Because this chakra lies at the center of our chest, it’s responsible for bridging the gap between the bottom three chakras (the material) and the top three chakras (the spiritual). It’s an invitation for joy, compassion, and interpersonal love.

The idealistic element of air along with the serenity of the color green tie into the heart chakra which, if blocked, causes an inability to be vulnerable and receive love. Your heart chakra might require more effort than most to keep it balanced since it’s not always rose quartz and sunny skies—heartache, loss, sadness, etc. all live here too, so it’s important to allow yourself to feel everything accordingly in order to keep that door open.

Throat Chakra

There’s an inner voice in all of us that guides us through ups and downs, and this chakra tells us to quiet our minds and tune into that messaging. Many Millennials are in their throat chakra years, as this phase takes place around the ages of 29 to 35. About as literal as its predecessor, the throat chakra is in charge of communication, expression, and speaking the truth. Your truth especially. 

The elements shift from traditional to metaphysical after the heart chakra, with music and sound being indicative of the throat chakra. How fitting! Its light blue color in visual art speaks to the calm that comes with authenticity in our words and actions. You’ve grown, you’ve figured out your identity, and you’re proud to communicate it thanks to an open throat chakra.

Third Eye Chakra

Now we enter the psychic realm with the third eye chakra. It’s positioned between the eyes and is sometimes called the “brow chakra”. Our intuition stems from this dark blue chakra: it enables us to see the bigger picture past our ego which leads to self-actualization. People aged 36 to 42 experience the opening of the third eye. It’s the home of human intuition, asking us to trust in a process much greater than we could ever know.

If the soul is our guide, the third eye chakra is the eye of the soul. This is how we intuit information below the surface or predict reality before it occurs. The third eye chakra is pure light, illuminating the path as you walk it so that you can forge ahead assuredly; amethyst protects us at such junctures. Your intuitive abilities truly are a testament to this chakra.

Crown Chakra

Finally, the crown chakra, which is located at the very top of the head, is a conduit for the spirit. By age 50, your chakral growth will ascend its peak, as this is the epitome of enlightenment. It’s about evolving into your highest form of consciousness so that you can benefit from that connection. Few of us actually gain this omniscient sight.

Elementally, the crown chakra is divination embodied. To honor your crown chakra, you have to dedicate the proper energy to your third eye chakra—only there do you really get to access the intuition you’re meant to channel in this life. This chakra also holds space for things beyond our explanation and the psychic talents you felt whisperings of in your youth. The crown chakra gives us permission to embrace our physical and metaphysical power for good.

The Corresponding Frequencies

But what are the seven chakra frequencies? This measure of sound isn’t going to have the familiar beat of a song on the radio—instead, it’s a “white noise” to be used in the background of a healing routine such as meditation, manifesting, or sound bathing.

By hertz (Hz), these are the frequencies whose particular oscillations and cadences can heal your chakras with consistent practice. Look them up and listen with your whole heart.

  • Root: 396 Hz

  • Sacral: 417 Hz

  • Solar Plexus: 528 Hz

  • Heart: 639 Hz

  • Throat: 741 Hz

  • Third Eye: 852 Hz

  • Crown: 963 Hz

I recommend tuning into these frequencies as needed, depending on what chapter you’re currently writing in your life. If you’re a 20-something who’s really going through it right now, your heart chakra deserves some extra attention. And if you’re in your 30s or 40s hoping to contact your higher self, the third eye and crown chakras are waiting for you!

The seven chakra frequencies are just one option you have in a vast toolbox of methods to improve your intuitive skills. Physically and psychically, the possibilities are endless. I promise.

Getting Those Wheels Going

Even lesser known than the chakras themselves are the soundwaves that tap into them, so I hope this has been an eye-opening tour (maybe even third-eye-opening) for those who have been wondering, “What are the seven chakra frequencies, anyway?!” 

We are such complex beings, and the chakras offer a glimpse into our spiritual health that we can affect in real time. Take care of yourself, especially as this crazy world keeps on spinning. Your own inner wheels turn to their unique rhythm, and this is where peace, faith, and intuition will always find you. And remember, I’m here for you too on this journey of a lifetime.


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