Psychic Senses: What Are They and Do You Have One?

It’s probably safe to assume that we’re all familiar with the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Humans and animals alike use these senses to navigate their world and interact with each other, but there are several more senses of the supernatural kind beyond the conventional five we rely on every day.

I’m talking about psychic senses—the ephemeral tools of the mind that are based less in our physical plane (as the regular five senses are) and more in a metaphysical one.

Often called the “clairs,” psychic senses stretch the bounds of our capacity to understand ourselves and our environment, giving us a chance to live authentically and intuitively in this life. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairalience, and clairgustance comprise the five psychic senses you might not have been aware of—until now!

Let’s discuss what these senses are all about and figure out if you’re already in touch with one (or more!) of them.

What Are Psychic Senses?

The prefix “clair-” comes from the French word meaning “clear” or “bright.” When we talk about clair- senses, this portion of the name refers to the powerful wisdom brought on by connecting with your inner psychic ability.

We’re all born with some degree of intuitive knowledge, and psychic senses are extensions of our basic hardware. Select individuals will have a better knack for the “clairs,” and others will have to put in the work to improve. 

Either way, there’s true agency in determining what skills you can develop along the way.

The traditional senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) have supernatural twins. Just like how you may flaunt a strong sense of smell, you could also possess uncanny clairalience. Both senses tend to align in this manner, so consider your strengths and weaknesses as we dive into where this intuition comes from and what each sense entails.


This is perhaps the most commonly known “clair-” sense, thanks to the popularity of psychic mediums and fortune tellers. Clairvoyance means “clear sight,” and it imbues the subject with an uninterrupted view into all things: people, places, possibilities, etc. 

They’re linked to predicting the future since they’re able to glimpse more than the average person, whether that be an ominous aura around another or a sign from a helpful spirit. If you frequently notice instances of clarity like this, you might be clairvoyant yourself!


Are you a great listener who seems to hear more deeply than others? Psychically speaking, clairaudience is the power of “clear hearing,” which includes whispers from your guides, music only you can hear, or noises not normally picked up on. An example would be communication received from the dead.

A clairaudient is made wiser by the insight gleaned from this hidden messaging. They’re not simply observing—they’re tuned into soundwaves that cannot be accessed without years of study or a natural inclination for it. The lesson here? To listen is to learn!


“Clear feeling/touch” is what you’re experiencing when walking into a building or similar space where a terrible tragedy has occurred and feeling physically sick or uneasy from this setting without necessarily having that background information. Clairsentients are energy readers to the core.

They could even be touched by external forces, so palpable sensations contribute to their insights too. Intuitive empaths are usually clairsentient in their talent for feeling the emotions of people and animals. It’s difficult for them to separate their own feelings from those of others.


Another psychic sense is clairalience, or “clear smell.” Yep, even your nose has a psychic side! Of our five traditional senses, scent is connected to our memory the most, so a single smell can evoke a clearer memory than even seeing a photo or hearing a voice.

It’s not surprising then that clairalience typically involves picking up on a scent that has no obvious origin. A whiff of the perfume your long-passed grandmother used to wear during a tough moment may revitalize your spirit. It’s a highly intimate and unique intuitive gift.


In that same vein, clairgustance means “clear taste,” an inexplicable sensation concentrated on the tongue. Being able to actually taste something even though you’re not eating it or putting it in your mouth at the time is clairgustance at work, not just an overactive imagination!

It’s also closely tied to memory, as clairalience is. For these individuals, the mere thought of a favorite food or a meal shared with a loved one initiates tangible flavor. While it’s not such an exciting psychic sense on the surface, it’s still an amazing and exciting ability.

Bonus Sense: Claircognizance

Lastly, the sixth sense of claircognizance: it’s essentially an amalgam of all five psychic senses, as claircognizance translates to “clear knowing.” This person always seems to get it right, rarely missteps on their path, and has total faith in their judgment. 

For instance, if a person consistently avoids pitfalls that others don’t, such as skipping on a bad investment, they could be getting input from spirit guides or trusting their psychic senses to lead them forward safely. To be claircognizant is to have the universe’s playbook in your pocket, though it’s only beneficial if you’re willing to listen to those instincts. 

Could You Have One?

If any of those descriptions resonated with you, I encourage you to reflect and explore that familiarity! A psychic sense is only as potent as its level of practice. 

Have you experienced similar sensations before? Maybe a specific situation stands out as being an eye-opener for you in regards to your intuition as a whole? Whatever the case, you are capable of building your psychic skills, no matter the starting point. They’re not infallible, but they’re certainly helpful in journeying through life. 

Embrace Your Psychic Side

Psychic senses aren’t as distant and rare as you might think. These blessings are meant for you, and if there’s something telling you to look, hear, feel, smell, and taste accordingly, it’s important to do so. Your guides speak to you through subtle synchronicities, and you can count your senses, both physical and psychic, in that category.

An inherently intuitive personality makes for a beautiful and rewarding relationship with the universe, and if you’re yearning to reach your full potential, I’m here to help!

As a master intuitive reader, I’ve created an ever-present library of free resources including an Intuition Style Quiz for anyone seeking psychic growth. Give yourself the chance to blossom into the well-rounded being your soul deserves to be! I’m sensing wonderful things on your horizons.


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