Intuitive vs. Observant: What’s the Difference?
Intuitive vs. observant: these are two important character traits that can fundamentally change how we interact with the universe and experience our personal and spiritual lives. In fact, even if you haven’t heard the terms before, you’ve probably been guided down your path by one or the other all along.
So, what are they, what’s your balance of two, and most importantly, what does it mean for you? Let’s dive in.
Defining Intuition and Observation
Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Someone with strong intuitive tendencies tends to interact with the world through the lens of emotional and internal experience.
Observation is the action or process of watching or listening to something or someone carefully in order to gain information. It means you tend to use your senses and critical faculties to extract information and meaning from the world around you.
One is categorized as an ephemeral talent beyond comprehension and the other is like a vital awareness of our surroundings, a trait many of us share. Not everyone has truly tapped into their intuitive skills, though a lot of observant people consider themselves intuitive.
It’s also not a question of better or worse, although intuitive people have access to levels of wisdom and knowledge that can’t just be observed. Being observant is a wonderful habit in life, and it actually contributes to better intuition overall. Can you be both? Absolutely—it’s just that most people tend to highly develop either one or the other.
For those curious about expanding upon their aptitude for observation, intuition is essentially the “next level” of that training, which I can guide you through as a master intuitive myself!
Internal vs. External
The clearest way intuitive vs. observant individuals differentiate is that one group excels at internal processes (such as instincts and feelings) and the other excels at external processes (such as inference and facts).
Intuition relies on several factors, including a natural predilection for sensing things on a soul level as well as a commitment to exploring that side of yourself for a lifetime. And observation isn’t simply accomplished with a cursory glance around the room—it’s a genuine inclination for constant connection to our environment. Observers tune into the physical world; intuitives tune into the metaphysical world.
It’s also worth noting that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBIT) personality test includes a dichotomy of intuitive vs. observant: this is the respective (N) or (S) you’ll see in a four-letter personality type result, like an ENTP (intuitive) or an ISTJ (observant). Because it’s a test it’s not necessarily an indicator that you have a spiritual gift, but it might be another piece of evidence that you’ve got something special inside to unlock!
Instincts + Feelings = Intuition
Intuitive personalities are attuned to the kinds of whispers and rhythms only they can hear and feel. These instincts and feelings go deeper than the traits associated with being traditionally observant. As an intuitive, you’re granted special access to a universal line of communication, so the wisdom of past lives is always close by while your present unfurls around you.
The key differentiator between an average person and an honest-to-goodness intuitive who’s actively working on themselves is how well the latter listens to their internal dialogue. Rather than shrugging off those warning signals or inexplicable goosebumps, they take it to heart and allow that messaging to guide them forward like an instinctive compass.
Of course, intuition isn’t just for emergencies, imbalances, or high-adrenaline moments, as it’s also our baseline in low-stakes times. While it’s true that intuition heals, it protects us before the healing even needs to happen. It gives you the chance to anticipate the good and the bad by paying close attention to your instincts and feelings. Even when intuitives don’t rely on their senses, they can still navigate confidently with the third eye of their higher self leading the way.
Inference + Facts = Observation
Context clues generally inform an observant person’s perception. For example, detectives are especially observant and apply that knowledge to their jobs in order to puzzle together mysteries, reassembling pieces of an event to see the whole picture. This is called inference, and it’s an important mental muscle for everyone to exercise that helps us solve problems and reason out complicated challenges. The cognition required to be observant like that is undeniably valuable—but there’s being cognizant, then there’s being clair-cognizant.
You’ll notice that the cops in those TV dramas will frequently refer to their “gut” when solving a crime, too. It’s not entirely logical from start to finish, as they utilize another skill: intuition that they’ve developed across a long career spent reading people and intuiting motivations, intentions, and, most importantly, truths and falsehoods.
Intuition heightens the consciousness that observation is already leaning toward, elevating the experience from “Wow, she has a good eye for details” to “WOW, she might actually be a psychic medium!” It just depends on practice, since you can only reach an intuitive threshold if you work at it. This involves finding the right teacher or mentor to help you unlock your true purpose by building upon that strong foundation and achieving your full intuitive potential.
Intuitive and Observant
Regardless of your natural tendency, you really can’t afford to use one without the other in most situations. Much of the time, intuition and observation go hand-in-hand as near-interchangeable abilities that bolster each other. Intuitive people tend to be highly observant, and observant people are completely capable of furthering their intuition. These are Gemini qualities, and when they work together they open all sorts of incredible possibilities in your life!
Not Either/Or, but Both
Just like how intuition can be seen as something that’s a gift and a study, it’s not so much intuitive vs. observant, but intuitive and observant—you should want to strive for both!
Part of the soul’s purpose is to grow and evolve toward what we’re meant for in this life. Such a mission asks us to open ourselves up to become the most well-rounded individuals we can possibly be during our short visit Earthside. You have the capacity to be both intuitive and observant, and I encourage you to stretch those limits mentally and psychically.
I know what it’s like to be observant and curious before blossoming into my fully intuitive and energetic self. It’s a deeply rewarding journey. I’m here for you online and off, as an educator and a friend, with all my heart and all my soul.