
Why did you join the program?

I joined in August 2022 and I felt really drawn to the program. I was listening to Nikki's podcast and I felt called to explore strengthening my intuition. I just felt light the right fit even though I had no idea what I was getting myself into!

What did you love most about the program?

Everything! It completely changed my life. I learnt so much about myself and took trusting myself to the next level. I met the most amazing people, learnt incredible techniques, witnessed other people on their journey and learnt so much from how the program was structured and led. It was amazing!

What was your experience like in the practice circles?

I loved the practice circles. Even though there was a large group in the course it felt extremely intimate because of the practice circles. They were an amazing way to connect with other students on a deeper level and practice what we were learning in class. They really allowed me to validate what I was receiving as many members of the group would receive similar messages.

What do you plan to do with the skills you learned in the program?

I currently offer Connection readings which combines energy reading for people and their horses and in some sessions I also offer healings as well to support them. I am currently mid way through the beta test round of my Intuitive Equestrian program where I am teaching my students how to communicate with horses and guiding them through different healings. It is AMAZING....I weave in this work into nearly everything I do as I cant help it. It is incredible. The second round of The Intuitive Equestrian is also starting soon and I am SO EXCITED! I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for Soul Teacher. I am so grateful.

Anything else you want to share with prospective students?

If you feel called to it. Trust that calling despite the doubts you may have. It's amazing!!!



