Behind the Scenes of Growing a Million Dollar Spiritual Business

4-part audio series 

Hi! We’re Nikki and Danika.

We are beyond excited to share with you what we have learned while creating and growing a million-dollar spiritual business. 

Access the audio files below 🎧

In this four-part audio experience, we give you a behind the scenes look at how to grow a successful spiritual business.

We are beyond excited to share with you what we have learned while creating and growing a business that produces multiple six-figures in annual revenue and has done over a million dollars in lifetime sales.

(BTW: There’s still a part of us that can’t believe we just wrote the word million, because there were times in the business where we were struggling to make $1,000. Pinch us!)

Our intention is that this audio experience is going to change the way you see yourself, your strategy, and what you feel is possible for you as a spiritual entrepreneur.

We can’t wait for you to dive in!

P.S. You’ll hear us say “welcome to Spiritual Teacher” at the beginning of each audio file because you are getting exclusive access to our new business podcast for spiritual entrepreneurs, Spiritual Teacher.

Part 1

In this audio file we share our background, how we started working together, and the 4 strategies that created our million-dollar spiritual business. These are: 

  1. Shifting your vibration

  2. Create a signature offer

  3. Establish yourself as an expert

  4. Create a signature method

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Part 2

Business is better when clients are showing up, right? But how does that happen? We have sooo many tips and tricks for this, so in this audio file we share three of our favorites.  Grab a paper, write them down as you hear us talk about it, and decide what next steps you’re going to take with this info.

Part 3

When we’re in the beginning stages of our business it’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything we think we need. And when we’re overwhelmed, we refuse to take action. In this audio file, Danika simplifies what you need, how to get it done, and how to do it on a tiny budget.

Part 4

Owning a business will be the greatest catalyst for healing that you have ever met. It will show you your strengths, weaknesses, fears… all of it. It’s all here to help you grow, and you’ll learn to welcome it with open arms… eventually. It doesn't matter what great strategies we receive, if we’re dealing with self-doubt, it’s really hard to move forward in business. 

In this audio file, we share with you some of the most common doubts we find in emerging spiritual teachers and how to bust through them.

Ready for the next step?

Join Expansion Strategy!

Expansion Strategy offers a 3-stage strategic guide to running a spiritual business.

Stage one is the Mentor, a spiritual practitioner that works directly with clients on a one-to-one basis through a signature offering.

Stage two is the Teacher, a well-known and influential online practitioner who charges premium prices for 1:1 sessions and has scaled their signature offering to a signature method that they have put into a group program.

Stage three is the Thought Leader, an established author and speaker that spreads their message to the masses.

In the program, for each path, we detail the money streams available to you, marketing strategies to choose from, emotional blocks to overcome (complete with healings), to-do lists to get you started, and so much more.

No need to feel confused or overwhelmed around your business dreams.

Allow us to be your guides!

Links to Resources Mentioned in this Audio Series 

Branding Resources 

Website Builder & Hosting Platform

Scheduling Softwares for One-on-One Sessions

Contract & Payment Platform for Coaching Clients