126. What to Do With Yourself When You’re Waiting for Something to Manifest

It’s Spring and Aries season! We’ll soon start to feel the feelings of moving forward on something we’ve been dreaming and thinking about. 

By now, the vision might be a little more clear in your mind. Or at least the desire is really starting to roar. 

That’s amazing! But there’s only one thing: nothing is changing quickly enough, ha. 

I always think it’s funny how when we manifest the visions ultimately become really strong but as we start to take steps forward it’s so disappointing when we realize how slow  it is to drag our meat suit around. 

As souls, we move fast. But as humans, we have a body. Plus, this world is physical. So manifestations take time. 

Which leads me to the question: What do we do with ourselves as we wait for our dreams to become reality?

In today’s episode, I share with you what it looks like to trust and hold the vibration of what you really want in life. 

We’ll discuss:

  • Your vibration

  • What’s the right amount of action to take

  • How to keep believing even when nothing is appearing


127. How I Self-Published my Books


125. How to Clearly Communicate Your Business Offer — Even Though It’s Unclear to You