How to Find Work that You Love

Money is such a big part of our current human experience. Therefore, most of us have to work in order to make the money we need to survive and thrive. 

In order to make that money, there’s a certain amount of time and effort required from us. So if we have to put in that time and effort, why not make it something that really excites you?

Let’s talk about how you find that thing that excites you.

First, we have to realize that it is possible to do work you love and be fully compensated for it. As a child of immigrant parents, I was raised to believe that you have to do work that will guarantee your survival. That’s why many immigrant children are doctors, lawyers, accountants, and other types of professionals. 

Or maybe someone once told you that artists were starving, therefore if you were to choose a creative path, you will be broke. 

When deciding to discover work that we love, we first have to search our minds for the programming that does not align with our true desire: which is to do meaningful work and be compensated for it.

Next, you have to believe in your uniqueness. You have to come to terms with all your desires and personality traits that make you, you. These parts of you create a unique offering in the world, which is the last step. 

Instead of asking yourself, “What work am I meant to do in the world?” Instead ask yourself, “What is my offering to this world?” If you could give the world a gift that comes from you, what would it be? 

And it’s important to note, what would it be at this moment. Because as we grow, we will discover new parts of ourselves that we can later use to create this offering. If your unique gifts and skills were ingredients. Your offering to the world is the cake you bake. And that cake will develop as you do. 

For today’s soul work, grab a journal and ask yourself “Do I believe I can make money doing something I love?” And no matter if it’s a yes or no, then ask yourself “What thought is stopping me?” How can you change that thought around to serve you?


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