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Why did you join the program?

I joined this program to tap into my intuition more deeply, I was feeling called to purge some of the things that no longer served me in life. The largest sign was a download one day while I was cooking in my kitchen. I had been struggling to figure out my next step and had a very loud ringing in my ear followed by "go back to the website you were looking at for Nikki"... this was after listening to her podcast for a while. The rest is history

What did you love most about the program?

I loved learning more about myself and healing things for others and myself that needed healing or release. I was able to feel so validated in my gifts, when reading into other's energies and having healing moments come from that - but also seeing that others were getting similar information as well. The group practice circles are a secret sauce to believing in yourself and your own intuitive gifts.

What was your experience like in the practice circles?

I connected with other students on a deep level and was able to have divine messages come through for them and for myself through them. A truly beautiful experience.

What do you plan to do with the skills you learned in the program?

I plan to incorporate my energy reading and healings into my Synergy Thrive Method - this is already all about adding spirituality into wellness and deepening the connection to yourself. But to be able to visualize generational blocks, see lineage cycles and life mission/ purpose gives an energetic insight that supercharges an already transformational process.

Anything else you want to share with prospective students? 

This program is incredibly supportive because of the way the container is created. The group aspect fosters a closeness that really helps when you are trying to open up and explore new pieces of your intuition. If you feel called to heal more deeply and help others heal more deeply, you can't go wrong with this program.



